
30th November 2018

Arts Margret River is pleased to announce the appointment of Kerrie Yabsley for the 2018 Margaret River Readers & Writers Festival. Kerrie will be taking over from Tanya Perdue as Festival Director in the new year.

Kerrie has lived in the Margaret River region since 2006 and has always been active in the community and art scene. Kerrie has a background in Youth Work and is currently studying Visual Arts at ECU.

Kerrie has run multiple interactive Art workshop and live performances at festivals and schools throughout WA and worked as a Youth and Events officer at the Shire of Nannup for close to five years.

“I believe that connecting people through Art, literature and live performance provides a great stage for individuals to be inspired and educated in creative ways”, she said.

“I’m really excited about working for Arts Margaret River on such a high profile event for the Region. Tanya has really gotten the ball rolling in elevating the profile of Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival, which is now being seen as a calendar event in many Literature Circles throughout Australia. ” Ms Yabsley said.

The program for 2018 is shaping up to offer exciting headline international and Australian authors. This year’s festival format will differ from previous years as the Cultural Centre will be under renovations during the Festival period, however the support of volunteers, community and sponsors should offer great continuity to the event that we have all come to mark in our diaries.

The Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival will be held from 1-3 June 2018, with the Young Readers and Writers Festival to be held in the two weeks preceding at schools in the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River and the City of Busselton.

Be sure to stay tuned into the Margaret River Readers and Writers website www.mrrwfestival.com, Facebook page and Instagram to follow any upcoming out of season events, fundraisers or festival updates.
