

Saturday 18 May 2024
11.30am – 1.30pm
Writers Room

Edith Wright writes about family history, researching stories that span 3 or 4 generations. As a proud Bardi woman, she believes we all have a responsibility to tell the truth of events of the day. In this workshop, Edith will share the tools and techniques of truth-telling within memoir writing. Workshop participants will explore truth-telling as a narrative technique within their own intergenerational stories. Edith will share tips on using primary sources such as interviews, files, church records and historical essays to construct a chronological family narrative.

Please bring along a piece (or pieces) of information that has sparked your interest in writing. It could be a letter that has been in the family for years, an article from an old newspaper about your family; a transcript done by your grandfather you have found; a citizenship certificate; old files you have found in the garage or a reference in a book that has got you thinking.

Hosted by Edith Wright
$25 Not included in Weekend and Day passes

Proudly supported by Regional Arts WA